The use of secured messaging applications like Signal, Telegram, Viber and the dark Web besides end-to-end encrypted WhatsApp by radical elements to connect with like-minded individuals is proving to be a "major challenge" for security agencies to counter online radicalisation, government said on Wednesday. Replying to a question in the Rajya Sabha, Minister of State for Home Affairs Nityanand Rai said as the extensive use of cyber technology is the main tool for propagating radical ideology, cyberspace is being monitored ceaselessly. The minister said at present, apart from state police, the NIA is investigating 67 cases relating to online radicalisation. In these cases, 325 accused have been arrested, 336 accused have been charge-sheeted and 63 accused have been convicted so far. "Cyber patrolling is done on a regular basis to identify and monitor such content and entities which are targeting gullible/depressed/ alienated youth," the minister said. He said websites and accounts .
WhatsApp's beta version reportedly causes a green screen issue, making the display unresponsive
A probe into the matter has concluded that WhatsApp and Meta violated competition law by abusing their dominant position in the market
WhatsApp will now allow users to like others' status updates and mention or tag other accounts in their own statuses. Those mentioned in a status will have the option to repost it to their own account
WhatsApp has introduced 10 new filters and 10 new backgrounds, allowing users to select or mix these options to create a unique look. The app has also added Touch Up and Low Light options
Passkeys will use biometric data such as facial recognition and fingerprints and would be an alternative to the old password system
Traditional telecom operators are pushing for over-the-top (OTT) services, such as WhatsApp and Google Meet, to be regulated on par with themselves to ensure a 'level playing field'
Custom Sticker Maker tool on Android lets users create and edit their own stickers. Users can also ask Meta AI to generate a sticker from scratch which can be shared with others
Company testing how businesses can use AI service to interact with customers
Xiaomi 14 Civi smartphone with Leica cameras to launch in India on June 12. Nothing Phone 2a likely coming in more colours. Realme launches Narzo N65 5G smartphone
Reportedly, WhatsApp would allow users to select the colour of the chat bubble from a predefined set of colours to not compromise the readability of messages
One of Telegram's main rivals, Meta Platforms' WhatsApp, has more than 2 billion monthly active users
WhatsApp already provides online ticketing service to Delhi Metro commuters across Delhi, Noida and Gurugram Rapid Metro routes
The AI-powered image editing tool on WhatsApp would allow users to edit images for background change and style using the generative capabilities of AI
WhatsApp has introduced new text formatting options that are now available on Android, iOS, Web, and Mac users
Cracking the whip on unauthorised individuals who exploit patients at the AIIMS Delhi, the hospital administration on Wednesday shared a WhatsApp number on which people can send complaints and evidence related to fleecing or seeking bribes. The number will be operationalised by the end of this month, an office order read. According to the order, AIIMS Director M Srinivas during interaction with patients and their relatives found that touts and agents were fleecing some of them by pretending to supply them medicines or helping them with investigations outside AIIMS, or referring them to other hospitals for faster turnaround times, etc. To combat this menace and to ensure that no patient is approached by touts/agents, a dedicated WhatsApp number (9355023969) for messaging of complaints and evidence related to fleecing/ seeking bribe shall be operationalized by February 29, 2024, the order said. "Anti-corruption helpline number -- in case any tout/ agent is fleecing you or anyone is .
The company also enabled payment options within the chats from different platforms apart from its own. These platforms include UPI apps, debit and credit cards, among others
A police think tank that functions under the union home ministry has issued an advisory and alert against a variety of scams that take place on popular social media messaging platform WhatsApp leading to cyber crimes and financial frauds. The Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPRD) has identified seven types of such frauds that includes tricking through missed calls, video calls, in the name of job offers and investment plans, impersonation, hijacking and screen share. As part of the 'hijacking' scam, the eight page advisory-cum-alert said, the scammers take unauthorised access to the victim's WhatsApp (WA) account and request money from their contacts. "Some people also witnessed WhatsApp video calls from unknown numbers. These were basically sextortion-based nude video calls which were then used to threaten the user." "The hackers blackmail the user and ask for money in return," the BPRD said in the communication accessed by PTI. The BPRD is a think tank on policing ...
Last week, WhatsApp rolled out the ability to send disappearing voice messages that could only be viewed once by the receiver
WhatsApp has launched a 'Check the Facts' safety campaign to drive user awareness around its safety features and curb the spread of misinformation on the platform. The month-long campaign highlights the Meta-owned messaging platform's in-built product features, safety tools like block and report, and forward labels that equip users to spot misinformation and prevent its circulation. It encourages people to verify information that sounds suspicious or inaccurate via fact-checking organisations on WhatsApp Channels, according to a statement. "WhatsApp has launched an integrated safety campaign Check the Facts' in an effort to drive user awareness around WhatsApp's safety features and promote digital best practices that help prevent the spread of misinformation on the platform and empower people to take control of their messaging experience," it said. While there is no single action that can help prevent the spread of misinformation and fake news online, WhatsApp's 'Check the Facts' .