A Delhi court on Monday sought response from the city police on an application of Indian Mujahideen founder Yasin Bhatkal, accused of conspiring to wage war against India, seeking custody parole. Bhatkal, currently lodged in Tihar Central Jail here, has requested custody parole to meet his ailing mother, claiming that she recently underwent cardiac surgery. Additional Sessions Judge Chander Jit Singh directed Special Cell of Delhi Police to file its response by Tuesday. Bhatkal is accused in several cases of terrorism, including one related to conspiring to wage war against India in 2012 and another in connection to the September 2008 serial blasts in Delhi that claimed 26 lives and left 135 people injured.
The court posted the matter for further hearing on March 7
At least 17 people were killed and 131 injured in the twin blasts in Hyderabad's Dilsukhnagar area on Feb 21, 2013