World Population Day 2024 is celebrated every year on July 11 to raise awareness about the issues that the world faces due to overpopulation. The UN Developing Programme (UNDP) established World Population Day on July 11, 1987, when the population of the world reached 5 billion; it was a landmark moment for the global population. The UN General Assembly (UNGA) decided to continue observing World Population Day in resolution 45/216 of December 1990 to inform people of relations to the environment and development.
To observe this day, one can send quotes and messages to their friends, families and relatives.
World Population Day 2024: Top 50 quotes and messages to share
- "A crowded world makes us focus on the essentials: clean air, water, and food. Let's work together for sustainable living."
- "Every person counts. Let’s ensure every person matters."
- "Small family, happy family – it’s the way forward."
- "Our planet has limits. Let’s respect them by controlling population growth."
- "Population growth today is one of the greatest challenges we face. Let’s address it with compassion and foresight."
- "Better education, better healthcare – the keys to a balanced population."
- "Choosing when and how many – empowering individuals for a sustainable future."
- "A world of 7 billion is both a challenge and an opportunity."
- "Invest in people, not just numbers."
- "Celebrate humanity, but plan for sustainability."
- "Access to family planning is a human right."
- "The power to plan your family is the power to plan your future."
- "Population growth should not outstrip our ability to provide for everyone."
- "Think globally, act locally – family planning is a vital part of sustainable development."
- "On World Population Day, let’s pledge to make informed choices for a better tomorrow."
- "Our choices today shape the world of tomorrow."
- "For a greener, cleaner world – let’s manage our numbers wisely."
- "Empower women, empower communities – the key to sustainable population growth."
- "Respecting women’s rights includes the right to choose when to have children."
- "Think twice, plan once – family planning saves lives."
- "The Earth is finite. Let’s ensure population growth doesn’t outstrip resources."
- "Healthy families, healthy futures."
- "Small steps in family planning lead to giant leaps in global sustainability."
- "Population is not just numbers – it’s about people’s lives."
- "Celebrate diversity, plan responsibly."
- "A sustainable future starts with responsible family planning."
- "Less can be more – smaller families, brighter futures."
- "Informed choices today for a sustainable world tomorrow."
- "Ensuring every child is wanted is the first step towards a better world."
- "Choose today, sustain tomorrow."
- "Population growth impacts climate change – let’s address both for a healthier planet."
- "Every child deserves a chance – let’s ensure a sustainable future for all."
- "Healthy families, thriving communities."
- "Invest in health, education, and empowerment for a balanced world."
- "Planning families, planning futures."
- "A sustainable world begins with you."
- "Population is about more than numbers – it’s about the quality of life."
- "Educate, empower, enable – for a sustainable population."
- "Choosing the right size for your family is choosing the right path for the planet."
- "Celebrate World Population Day with a commitment to responsible growth."
- "Respecting human dignity includes respecting the right to choose family size."
- "Healthy families are the foundation of a prosperous society."
- "Together, we can make a difference in managing our population growth."
- "Celebrate diversity, manage wisely."
- "Smart planning today for a brighter tomorrow."
- "Quality of life starts with planned families."
- "Healthy women, healthy societies."
- "Sustainable development begins with sustainable population growth."
- "The future is bright with responsible family planning."
- "Think ahead, plan wisely – for a sustainable future."