Strengthening its efforts to reach out to the public, Sebi plans to rope in external agencies to provide manpower on contract basis for investor education activities and resolution of their grievances, process investor grievances as well as create more awareness.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has sought applications for empanelment of such agencies for providing required manpower in three cities -- Ahmedabad, Jaipur and Indore.
Sebi said it currently needs 13 persons at different levels in these cities, including seven for Ahmedabad and three each for Jaipur and Indore.
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These people would be required for positions like supervisors, data entry operators, facilitators, attendants and for grievances tracking and dispatch communication desks, Sebi said while inviting applications from the agencies interested in providing the manpower.
The supervisors would follow-up with companies and intermediaries for redressal of grievances as well as meeting "walk-in investors at Sebi office for assistance", among others.
Those appointed in the grievances tracking and dispatch communication desk would be responsible for tracking the investor grievances and also to update the "Action Taken Report (ATR) received from companies/intermediaries."
For the role of supervisors, Sebi is preferably looking for MBAs with experience in the field of securities market.
According to the market regulator, others would carry out "data/work related to investor education work at Sebi," among other activities.
Looking to reach out to more investors, Sebi has started offices in different parts of the country and more offices would be opened in the coming months. Besides, the capital market watchdog is working on ways to create awareness among the public to prevent them from falling victims to fraudulent money pooling schemes.