The Biju Janata Dal (BJD) on Tuesday said that allegations against the NDA Government over issues like the Vyapam scam should not be allowed to either 'remain hidden under the carpet' or disrupt the functioning of Parliament.
"Yes the general information is that there will be a lot of disruptions and the Parliament will not function. I think that's a bad thing. These are serious allegations whether it is Vyapam scam or any of the other scams and they should be discussed in the Parliament. Whatever there is against the government should be put on the mat. No scam should be allowed to either remain hidden under the carpet or disrupt the functioning of Parliament," BJD's Jay Panda told ANI here.
Panda further said that External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj's decision to issue a statement on the Lalit Modi controversy on the floor of the House should be paid heed to for further discussion.
Read more from our special coverage on "VYAPAM SCAM"
"I understand that Sushma ji wants to give a statement. That should be listened to so that there can be discussion on it. That is the approach that we think has to happen," he added.
The Monsoon Session of the Parliament is expected to be a stormy affair with the opposition set to take on the Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led NDA Government over the Lalit Modi row and the Vyapam scam. Union HRD Minister Smriti Irani is also expected to be in the spotlight due to a controversy over her educational qualifications.
A series of meeting were held yesterday to fine tune the strategy and ensure smooth proceedings of both the Houses.
In course of the three-week session, 24 legislative proposals have been planned to be taken up. These include eight new bills for introduction like Consumer Protection Amendment Bill, Road Transport and Safety Bill and Constitution Amendment bills relating to reservation of Women in Panchayats and Urban Local bodies.
The Lok Sabha is expected to take up the SC and ST Prevention of Atrocities Amendment Bill and Land Acquisition Bill. The Rajya Sabha will take up the Child Labour, Prevention of Corruption, Whistle Blower's Protection, Real Estate and Juvenile Justice Bill.