Defending Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan, who is facing the heat over Vyapam scam, BJP MP Rakesh Singh today said all mysterious deaths in the state are not related to the Vyapam scam.
"All the 44 deaths that are being linked to Vyapam scam has nothing to do with it," the Lok Sabha MP from Jabalpur told a press conference here.
Singh, also party affairs in-charge for Maharashtra, said that it was MP chief minister who first initiated a probe into the scam.
Meanwhile, on ministers in the Maharashtra government charged with corruption, Singh said it is the individual who is facing allegations and not the Devendra Fadnavis-led BJP government.
"There were no charges against the Devendra Fadanvis government as such and only few issues have been raised by Congressmen due to frustration," Singh said, adding that levelling allegations is not new for the Congress.
None of the charges have been proved so far, he added.
"All the 44 deaths that are being linked to Vyapam scam has nothing to do with it," the Lok Sabha MP from Jabalpur told a press conference here.
Read more from our special coverage on "VYAPAM SCAM"
Singh, also party affairs in-charge for Maharashtra, said that it was MP chief minister who first initiated a probe into the scam.
Meanwhile, on ministers in the Maharashtra government charged with corruption, Singh said it is the individual who is facing allegations and not the Devendra Fadnavis-led BJP government.
"There were no charges against the Devendra Fadanvis government as such and only few issues have been raised by Congressmen due to frustration," Singh said, adding that levelling allegations is not new for the Congress.
None of the charges have been proved so far, he added.