The air quality in Delhi dipped to the ‘very poor’ category on Thursday, with an air quality index (AQI) of 329, the data showed. A day before, the AQI of the national capital was recorded at 273. Delhi’s past 24-hour average AQI was recorded at 309.
While nearly all of the pollution monitoring stations hovered in the range of 300-400, indicating ‘very poor’ air quality, Anand Vihar suffered from ‘severe’ pollution levels. According to the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), the AQI at Anand Vihar was logged at 419 at 7 am in the morning.
Some of the stations such as Sri Aurobindo Marg and DTU were very close to the ‘very poor’ air quality levels, with an AQI of at least 280.
Pollution levels are categorised as: 0-50 > Good 51-100 > Satisfactory 101-200 > Moderate 201-300 > Poor 301-400 > Very poor 401-500 > Severe
Air pollution level at different stations of Delhi in past 24 hrs:
Anand Vihar: 419
Mundka: 367
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Narela: 303
North campus - 334
DTU: 281
IGI Airport: 303
ITO: 306
Jahangirpuri: 395
RK Puram: 384
In view of Diwali today, the government has imposed a ban on the bursting of firecrackers in the national capital. Only green crackers will be allowed to burst during limited hours between 8 pm and 10 pm.
In Delhi’s neighbouring city Noida, the 24-hour average AQI stood at 230. The situation was similar in Ghaziabad where AQI of 237 was logged and in Gurugram where air quality was 213.
Notably, Wednesday evening marked the second hottest day in October for Delhi. The city logged a temperature of 36.1 degrees Celsius, marginally below the hottest day of the month on October 19, when the temperature stood at 36.2 degrees Celsius. Lower temperature leads to higher pollution levels.