The Delhi Police have opposed the bail plea of an SUV driver, alleging his reckless actions exacerbated the tragic incident at Rau's IAS coaching centre in Old Rajinder Nagar, where three UPSC aspirants drowned due to flooding on Saturday.
The SUV driver was arrested on Monday after a video circulated on social media showing him speeding through a waterlogged road, leading to the gates of the coaching centre breaking and allowing floodwaters to enter the premises. Public prosecutor characterised the driver's behavior as "mastikhor" (mischievous), suggesting his actions were deliberate and careless.
"He is mastikhor. In doing fun he caused the incident," public prosecutor said.
During the court hearing, the driver's advocate argued that his client should not be held responsible for the incident, claiming that the police were arresting people not directly related to the case. However, DCP (Central) M Harshvardhan stated that the arrest was based on clear evidence from CCTV footage, which identified the driver and the vehicle involved.
"Negligence has been established on the part of the arrested driver. He was driving the vehicle very fast, causing the gate of the coaching centre to break. A street vendor even tried to stop him before he hit the building gate," DCP Harshvardhan explained. The driver has been charged under BNS section 105 for culpable homicide not amounting to murder.
Coaching centre deaths
The flooding incident resulted in the deaths of Shreya Yadav from Uttar Pradesh, Tanya Soni from Telangana, and Nevin Dalwin from Kerala, who were trapped in the basement of Rau's Study Circle. The police have also arrested the owner and coordinator of the coaching centre on charges of culpable homicide, among other offenses.
Also Read
In response to the tragedy, the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) has sealed the basements of 13 coaching centres in Karol Bagh for violating building bye-laws. Mayor Shelly Oberoi has directed strict action against illegally operating coaching centres in basements, amid protests by students demanding safer study environments.
(With agency inputs)