In 2014-15, NLC has earned a net profit of Rs 1,579.68 crore and registered an all-time high in the history of the organisation, On the production front also, the company has achieved more than 100 per cent targeted lignite production and power generation with its existing units.
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Sales turnover for 2014-15 stood at Rs 6,087.68 crore as against Rs 5,967.23 crore in 2013-14, up 2.02 per cent. The turnover is the highest in any year since inception, said B Surender Mohan, Chairman-Cum-Managing Director, NLC.
On future plans, he said at the end of 13th plan, NLC expects to achieve a lignite mining capacity of 49.50 mtpa compared to a present capacity of 30.60 mtpa and will have a total generating capacity of about 12,221 MW against the present capacity of 2,990 MW.
NLC Board in its 448th meeting held on March 23, 2015 has approved the Investment decision to set up Bithnok Lignite Mine (2.25 Million Tonnes of Lignite) cum Thermal Power Project.( 2X125 MW) at a cost of Rs 2,700 crore and to establish Barsingsar Thermal Power Station Extension (BTPSE- 2X125 MW) and Lignite Mine at Hadla (1.9 Million Tonnes of Lignite) at a cost of Rs 2628 crore.
Due to the difficulties faced in taking up the above coal blocks, NLC has requested MOC, Government of India to consider allotment of Mahanadi and Machchakatta Coal blocks to cater the coal requirement of NLC Tamilnadu Power Limited TPS (NTPL TPS - 2 X 500 MW), Ghatampur Thermal Power Plant (1980 MW) and Sirkali Thermal Power Plant (4000 MW).